Thursday, August 11, 2011

Atlanta Athletic Club-Johns Creek, GA--Day 1

The first round of the 93rd PGA Championship can be summed up in one word for many of the worlds best golfers--IMPLOSION.

Being an avid golfer it was wild to watch many of these guys look human today. Lets take a look at some of the numbers from the first round:

Ryo Ishikawa--85 +15
1 Triple Bogey
5 Double Bogey's
2 Bogey's

John Daly--77 +7
1 Double Bogey
5 Bogey's

Tiger Woods--77 +7
3 Double Bogey's
5 Bogey's
4 Birdies
6 Pars

These three golfers will miss the cut unless a miracle happens.

Tiger summed up his worst round ever at a PGA Championship...

"I'm not down," said Woods. "I'm really angry right now."

"I just thought, 'This is a major and you peak for these events. And once you get to a major championship, you just let it fly, let it go,'" said Woods. "And I did and it cost me … It cost me the whole round."

To put the round in perspective, Jerry Pate shot 77. Pate shouldn't be in the tournament. He should be back home cleaning a crawl space or something. He's won exactly $32,594 on the Champions Tour this year and last played in a PGA Championship 10 years ago. He last made a cut at one of these things in 1983.

Jerry Pate

It could have been worse for Woods. He could have shot 85, like Ryo Ishikawa did. He could have injured his right wrist on a tree root, like Rory McIlroy did. He could have sat near the No. 1 tee box for much of the day, like first alternate Paul Goydos did.

Instead, Woods grinded his way around the summer mugginess of Manila -- I mean, Atlanta Athletic Club. It was so hot, it felt like somebody was following you around with a steam iron. Woods wore a red-shaded shirt, a color he usually reserves for Sundays. But one more 70-something, and he'll be back home wearing a T-shirt and flip-flops for the weekend.

Take a picture it will last longer

And now for a positive note...

Steve Stricker stood a mere 10 feet away from the lowest round ever in a major, a captivating moment at any other championship. On a sweat-stained Thursday at Atlanta Athletic Club, Stricker became the 11th player in PGA Championship history to shoot 63. He opened with three straight birdies and kept right on going until he stood on the cusp of history without even knowing it. Only after his birdie putt for 62 slid by the cup did his caddie, Jimmy Johnson, tell him that it was for the record in a major.

A job well done sir...

Good luck tomorrow Tiger!

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