Saturday, July 2, 2011

San Juan Hills Golf Club-San Juan Capistrano

Good morning avid golfers! Well yesterdays round of golf was certainly entertaining to say the least. We had a strong threesome of myself, Pat Reilly, and Matt Nance. The threesome was joined by Matt's new boyfriend Rob--nice guy from the "Sunshine" state—Florida. The foursome was only able to complete 12 holes due to the lackadaisical nature of the four clowns in front of us who chose to play from the blue tees when it was clear they should have been playing from the ladies tees (Sorry Girls!). Not to mention the multiple tee shots each player took on every single hole—I mean really gents’ who does that???

Four Clowns

We were able to put down an 18 pack of ice cold Coors Light between the three of us. Of course sorry Rob, BYOB—divebargolf does not support additional players drinking habits.  

Golf conditions were rough at San Juan Hills. The swirling winds of San Juan Capistrano made it tough to handle, but nonetheless we were able to hang some nice scores through 9 holes. Holes 1 & 2 played extremely tough, but Holes 8 & 9 played extremely easy. I would also like to make note of my birdie on Hole no. 8—TWEET TWEET!!!

Hole 2

Matt Nance—39 + 3
Steve Reilly—47 +11
Pat Reilly—56 +20

As for the most important part of the round—the cart girl…I’d like to say she was HOT, but not only did she almost take our cart out, but she didn’t even stop to ask if we wanted an ice cold beverage or a snack? The cart girl at San Juan Hills—NOT HOT!!!

Here’s a few memories from Friday’s round…

Pat Reilly--B-O-D

Can you find the ball in this picture?

Another green PR ain't hitting?!?!

Divebargolf heads to Los Angeles next to play one of the top mid-length golf courses in the country—Scholl Canyon. We will also be joined by one of the top mid-length players in Southern California—Ryan Leahy. See you on the Tee Box in Glendale aka the "818"


  1. I have 2 follow up points:

    1) Clearly my talents cannot be captured on a scorecard. The first 2 holes are always the toughest. That's not a PR rule, that's a LIFE rule. Excluding those, I am clearly a shotmaker.

    2) Those jokers in front of us cost us way too much daylight. Should have pushed them harder. Maintain proper pace! And yeah, that's coming from a dude who hung a +20. Boom.

  2. Hahaha I like how I'm matts boyfriend now. Cool little site you guys got going here. Let me know if you ever need a 4th again. Next time I'll bring the booze... But none of that coors light you softie socal ladies sip on. We drink whisky where I'm from...

    Love Matts BF


  3. Rob don't take it personally it was really just to get under Matt's skin haha. Yeah man we really just got the site started about 2 weeks ago. Many improvements to come, but we are off to a solid start. Would love to hit the links with you again anytime. Shoot me an email and we can exchange phone numbers. I'm at Looking forward to it bro!
